
By Simon, 3 February, 2014

On Monday, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and the International League for Human Rights (ILMR), have filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Prosecutor General's office. The complaint is directed against the German federal government, the presidents of the German secret services, namely Bundesnachrichtendienst, MilitƤrischer Abschirmdienst, Bundesamt fĆ¼r Verfassungschutz, and others.

By Simon, 3 October, 2013

In a fit of anger her majesty Queen Elizabeth II issued the following letter to the citizens of United States of America in response to the US government shutting down:

To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

In light of your failure to financially manage yourselves and inability to effectively govern yourselves responsibly, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up ā€˜revocationā€™ in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

By Simon, 10 September, 2013

From the law offices of Mikki Barry. Google's Gmail & Calendar may now have serious legal issues regarding potential breach of attorney/client privilege...

As attorneys, each one of us should be screaming bloody murder about this potential breach of attorney/client privilege at its very core. Itā€™s not that it is ā€œpossibleā€ to get our privileged information, our work product through Google Apps, both the ā€œmetadataā€ and the content of our correspondence, etc., it has already happened, and continues to this day. We KNOW our communications have been compromised. The question now is what to do about it.