
Simon Higgs has been cited in the following books:

Hector Postigo, The Digital Rights Movement: The Role of Technology in Subverting Digital Copyright (MIT Press, 2012) 
Milton L. Mueller, Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (MIT Press, 2002) 
Borko Furht, Handbook of Internet Computing (CRC Press, 2000) 
Borko Furht, Handbook of Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (CRC Press, 1998)
Ellen Rony and Peter Rony, The Domain Name Handbook (R&D Books, Miller Freeman, 1998)
Charles Seiter and Tom Negrino, Macworld Web Essentials (IDG Books Worldwide, 1995)
Mary Jo Fahey, Web Publisher's Design Guide For Windows (Coriolis Group, 1995) 
Mary Jo Fahey, Web Publisher's Design Guide For Mac (Coriolis Group, 1995)

Simon Higgs has been cited in the following journals:

A. Michael Froomkin (2011). Almost Free: An Analysis Of ICANN’s ‘Affirmation Of Commitments’. Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law, Vol. 9, University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-01 
Catherine T. Struve and R. Polk Wagner, (2002). Realspace Sovereigns in Cyberspace: Problems with the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Volume 17, Issue 3 
Kim G. von Arx and Gregory R. Hagen (2002). Sovereign Domains – A Declaration of Independence of ccTLDs from Foreign Control. 9 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 4 
Milton L Mueller (1998). The battle over Internet domain names: Global or national TLDs? Telecommunication Policy, Volume 22, Issue 2
David B. Nash (1997), Orderly Expansion of the International Top-Level Domains: Concurrent Trademark Users Need a Way Out of the Internet Trademark Quagmire, 15 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 521 
Neal J. Friedman and Kevin Siebert (1997), The Name Is Not Always the Same, 20 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 631

Simon Higgs has been cited in the following reports, research, and dissertations:

Arturo Azuara Flores (2008). To each country, its own law and domain: The legal structures of ccTLD's in comparative perspective. Doctoral dissertation, Tulane University Law School. 
Craig Lyle Simon (2006). Launching The DNS War: Dot-Com Privatization And The Rise Of Global Internet Governance. Doctoral dissertation, University of Miami. (Scribd
Nicholas R Trio (1996). The Evolution of the Domain Naming System. T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research Division 

Simon Higgs has been cited on the following websites:

Bob Hawkes (May 15, 2024). Simon Higgs: Internet Pioneer, Polymath, and NamePros Member. NamePros.

Simon Higgs has also been quoted in the following press:

Parker Higgins And Peter Eckersley (Dec 15, 2011). Internet engineers don't like PIPA and SOPA. Wired.
Declan McCullagh (Nov 27, 2000). Is Dot-Biz Really a New Domain? Wired.
Chris Oakes (Sep 1, 1999). When Dot Com Isn't Enough. Wired.


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