Your Very Good Health

By Simon, 30 August, 2023
Your Very Good Health

One of the problems we have in the US is a lack of imagination. One obstacle to getting single-payer or universal healthcare is that people don't know what it's supposed to look like. I came across the following video, which was made to explain how the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK would work. 

The National Health Service (NHS) stands as a monumental achievement of Clement Attlee's Labour government. Under the guidance of the Minister for Health Aneurin Bevan, the National Health Service Act was successfully steered through Parliament in July 1948. The establishment of the NHS ensures that people have access to a comprehensive range of healthcare services, including diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, dental and ophthalmic services, all free of charge for those in need. This pivotal initiative is a testament to the government's commitment to providing essential healthcare for all.

This short animation on the National Health Service Scheme stars Charley. It was to show the public how the primary services would affect an ordinary family, including Charley's wife - even if he did consider her 'as strong as a blooming horse!' 

Important note: This version of the film has been digitally altered from the original in the National Archive. I've upscaled it to 1080p and applied image stabilization using the latest artificial intelligence technology.